e-Notary self-service
- Choosing a notary and booking an appointment
- Initiating a transaction and inheritance proceedings
- Participating in remote authentication
- Information about all your notarial transactions
How to book an appointment with a notary?
There are two ways to book an appointment at a notary office:
- e-Notary self-service: The first and most convenient option is to use the e-Notary self-service portal, where you need to identify yourself using Smart-ID, Mobile-ID, or ID-card. Select the action "Loo uus tehing“ (Create a new transaction) and then specify the city and type of transaction or consultation you need. You can also book an appointment for inheritance-related actions. The portal will then show you the first available times in the notary offices from which you can choose.
- Finding a notary and booking an appointment by phone or email: If you prefer to book an appointment by phone or email, you can check the list of notaries and contact the selected notary office directly. Notary offices are located throughout Estonia, and you can choose the office that best suits you, regardless of the residence of the people involved in the transaction or the location of the properties. The list will immediately show you where the office is located and in which languages you can communicate with the notary.
We hope that booking an appointment with a notary goes smoothly, and you are satisfied with the notary service!
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